What is Cardio Physical Therapy ?
Quite simply this is therapy for your heart
Your heart is a muscle that requires the proper exercise and nutrition to function properly. If you have been diagnosed with heart disease of any kind than take control with an individualized exercise program to address all your limitations.
Dynamic Exercise program involving
Aerobic training
Activity Specific Training
We monitor Blood Pressure, Cardiac Rhythm ECG, Weight, and Blood Sugar.
We also specialize in addressing joint and muscle pain. We can address joint restrictions and will design a program to address your dysfunction.
We also address other contributing factors including:
High Blood Pressure
Elevated Cholesterol
Addressing any of the above factors with proper behavior strategies will add to your success story.

Benefits of the Program

Weight Management
Emotional Support
Diabetes Management
Smoking Cessation
Stress Control
Improvement in Depression
Lower Cholesterol
Healthy Diet Consulting
Breath Control Management
Energy Conservation

Cardio PT provides the basics of cardiac rehab with a highly individualized program to address more then your heart. You and your cardiologist will be love the results.